NFTs & GameFi | NFT Distribution

Boo Finance
2 min readApr 12, 2022

As mentioned in the previous article, which can be read HERE, a large portion of the NFTs will be distributed to users and partners while the remainder of the NFTs will be play-to-earn through the use of the Boo Finance products. Minting in this manner gives us many advantages.

1. Equal access

We feel this gives everyone a chance to have access to the NFTs and distributes access to them. The largest whales and the smallest minnows all have equal access to Boo Finance products.

2. Wide distribution

It makes it next to impossible for whales or frontrunners to scoop up the majority of the supply and horde them, instead, placing the NFTs where they belong, in the hands of as many of our users as possible.

3. Healthy growth

The gradual minting means that the NFT supply grows in a healthier way. By making NFTs play-to-earn, the supply increases naturally as demand is shown through an active player base.

4. New users

Distribution of NFTs through partners will help introduce new users to BOOFI in a friendly way and get immediate engagement.

5. No mint-out stress

By distributing the NFTs through the use of our products, the NFTs are guaranteed to “mint-out” which eliminates the stress and focus on how to mint out.

6. Booming Economy

Since the initial barrier to entry is so low, we expect this to make the purchase and sale of our NFTs more commonplace too.

7. No floor

There is no concern about the floor dropping out after mint because the floor already starts at 0!

8. Immediate ROI

There’s no need to “recoup your cost” because there's no cost to recoup. Every sale is a profit and the profits realized from each sale will go almost entirely to our users where they belong!

About Boo Finance

Boo Finance is a DeFi protocol pioneering DeFi 3.0 on the Avalanche Network. We are building innovative yield farming, GameFi, and NFT products. Check out Boo Finance and join our community on Discord, Telegram, and Twitter.



Boo Finance

BooFinance is a decentralized collective of ghosts working to disrupt current yield farming practices and inflationary NFT models.